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Formation of a Bipolar Planetary Nebula

Formation of a Bipolar Planetary Nebula
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Description: Formation of a Bipolar Planetary Nebula
Bipolar planetary nebulae may form in two steps.
Astronomers hypothesize that
(a) first, a doughnut-shaped
cloud of gas and dust is emitted from the star’s equator...
(b) followed by outflow that is channeled by the original gas
to squirt out perpendicularly to the plane of the doughnut.
(c) The Hourglass Nebula appears to be a textbook example of such
a system. The bright ring is believed to be the doughnut-shaped
region of gas lit by energy from the planetary nebula. The
Hourglass is located about 8000 ly (2500 pc) from Earth.

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Views: 566
Filesize: 137.83kB
Height: 460 Width: 1350
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=18607
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