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The Crab Nebula and Pulsar

The Crab Nebula and Pulsar
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Description: The Crab Nebula and Pulsar
(a) This nebula, named for the crablike appearance of its filamentary structure in early visible-light telescope images, is the remnant of a
supernova seen in A.D. 1054. The distance to the nebula is about 6000 ly, and its present angular size (4 by 6 arcmin)
corresponds to linear dimensions of about 7 by 10 ly. Observations at different wavelengths give astronomers information
about the nebula’s chemistry, motion, history, and interactions with preexisting gas and dust
Picture Stats:
Views: 608
Filesize: 237.77kB
Height: 900 Width: 902
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=18626
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