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Part A - Initiating an action potential

Part A - Initiating an action potential
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Description: Under most circumstances, once an axon’s membrane potential reaches threshold (about -55 mV in mammals), an action potential is automatically triggered. The graph below shows the changes in membrane potential that occur in an axon membrane that is initially at resting potential.
In response to a stimulus, the membrane slowly depolarizes until the membrane potential reaches a particular value, called threshold. At threshold, a rapid depolarization of the membrane occurs and an action potential is initiated.

Drag the labels onto the flowchart to show the sequence of events that occurs once the membrane potential reaches threshold. You may use a label once or not at all.

Picture Stats:
Views: 11641
Filesize: 59.42kB
Height: 423 Width: 884
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=19455
Keywords: Action Potential 
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