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Complete Menstrual Cycle

Complete Menstrual Cycle
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Description: At the top is the pitu­itary gland that can release FSH for a cou­ple weeks and LH for a cou­ple weeks.  At the bot­tom are the cycles that rep­re­sent the thick­ness of the endome­trial lin­ing and the hor­mone lev­els.  The FSH and LH are solid lines because they come from the brain while the estro­gen and prog­es­terone are dashed lines because they are secreted by the ovar­ian fol­li­cle cell.
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Views: 1276
Filesize: 414.67kB
Height: 882 Width: 890
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=2126
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