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This engraving of the Boston Massacre (1770) became the most reprinted depiction of the event, and p

This engraving of the Boston Massacre (1770) became the most reprinted depiction of the event, and p
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Description: This engraving of the Boston Massacre (1770) became the most reprinted depiction of the event, and probably the most inaccurate. It was done by Paul Revere, engraver, silversmith, and eventual patriot. The British soldiers did not form ranks and fire on command at the crowd. The judge at the subsequent trial of the British soldiers warned jurors not to be influenced by “the prints exhibited in our houses” that added “wings to fancy”—prints, specifically, such as this one. The jury of colonists acquitted all the British soldiers but two, who received mild punishments.
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Views: 1674
Filesize: 210.1kB
Height: 1057 Width: 936
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=22236
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