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A strike by 800 women shoemakers in Lynn, Massachusetts, in 1860. In 1851 a Lynn shoemaker had adapt

A strike by 800 women shoemakers in Lynn, Massachusetts, in 1860. In 1851 a Lynn shoemaker had adapt
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Description: A strike by 800 women shoemakers in Lynn, Massachusetts, in 1860. In 1851 a Lynn shoemaker had adapted a Howe sewing machine so that it could pierce and sew leather, work normally performed by married women in their homes. Because these large machines required women to leave their homes and children to work at the shoe-stitching factories, few married women would do so; here they are protesting their displacement.
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Filesize: 422.48kB
Height: 1050 Width: 1500
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=22328
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