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Who Knows you Best?

Who Knows you Best?
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Description: Friends, family, and other close relations tend to agree on their ratings of others on the Big Five personality dimensions. There are relatively strong correlations between how people rate themselves and how they are rated by relatives, friends, and loved ones. Despite the fact that people tend to spend a great deal of their time with coworkers, coworkers were not as accurate in their ratings. Interestingly, computer based judgments of personality, which relied exclusively on people’s Facebook “likes,” were just as accurate as friends and family ratings (Youyou, Kosinski, & Stillwell, 2015).
Picture Stats:
Views: 194
Filesize: 102.98kB
Height: 353 Width: 584
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=24040
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