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Reassociation kinetics of E. coli and bovine DNA

Reassociation kinetics of E. coli and bovine DNA
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The abscissa corresponds to reassociation time, corrected for the difference in size between the E. coli and bovine genomes.

The curve for E. coli corresponds to that expected for a collection of single-copy genes in a genome of the E. coli size— 6 bp.

The curve for bovine DNA exhibits two steps in reassociation.

The slow step corresponds to single-copy DNA (nonrepeated sequences).

The other corresponds to rapidly reassociating DNA made up of repeated sequences.

Many classes of repeated DNA are represented in this phase of the reassociation.

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Height: 462 Width: 557
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=34898
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