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Formation of aminoacyl tRNAs by aminoacyl tRNA synthetase

Formation of aminoacyl tRNAs by aminoacyl tRNA synthetase
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Description: In step 1 the amino acid is accepted by the synthetase and is adenylylated, with the aminoacyl adenylate remaining bound to the enzyme.
In step 2 the proper tRNA is accepted by the synthetase, and the amino acid residue is transferred to the 3’ OH of the 3’-terminal residue of the tRNA (class II enzymes) or to the 2’ hydroxyl, followed by isomerization to the 3’ aminoacyl-tRNA (class I enzymes).
For class I enzymes the 2’ hydroxyl of the 3’-terminal AMP residue is the nucleophile for reaction 2.

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Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=35078
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