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A schematic view of ribosome subunit rotational motions, based on crystal structures of ribosomes

A schematic view of ribosome subunit rotational motions, based on crystal structures of ribosomes
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Description: a. View from the bottom. 30S subunit (blue) is shown in starting conformation after termination (outlined in red) to a fully rotated conformation seen during elongation (black outline).

b. Side view. During transition to the fully rotated state, tRNAs shift from binding in A/A and P/P sites (30S/50S) to occupying hybrid sites A/P and P/E.

c. Rotation in another plane can move the head domain of the 30S subunit as much as toward the E site.

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Views: 343
Filesize: 49.62kB
Height: 162 Width: 602
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=35096
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