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High net primary productivity

High net primary productivity
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Description: Biomass = organic material of which living organisms are formed

Gross primary production (GPP) = assimilation of energy by autotrophs

Primary production = conversion of solar energy to chemical energy by autotrophs

Net primary production (NPP) = energy remaining  after respiration, and is used to generate biomass
Available for heterotrophs

Secondary production = biomass generated by heterotrophs

Productivity = rate at which ecosystems generate biomass
Freshwater wetlands, tropical forests, coral reefs, and algal beds have highest net primary productivity

High net primary productivity = ecosystems whose plants rapidly convert solar energy to biomass

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Views: 303
Filesize: 138.45kB
Height: 1004 Width: 561
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=35626
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