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Niche: An individual’s ecological role

Niche: An individual’s ecological role
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Description: Interactions among species are the threads in the fabric of communities, holding them together and determining their nature

Ecologists have organized species interactions into several fundamental categories

Competition = relationship where multiple organisms seek the same limited resources:
Food, Water, Space, Shelter, Mates, Sunlight

Amensalism = variation of a competitive relationship, in which one organism is harmed and the other is apparently unaffected
Difficult to pin down

Intraspecific competition = among members of the same species
High population density = increased competition
Interspecific competition = among members of two or more species
Can lead to either competitive exclusion or to species coexistence

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Views: 270
Filesize: 75.62kB
Height: 524 Width: 1294
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=35663
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