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Population growth rate %

Population growth rate %
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Description: Total fertility rate (TFR) = average number of children born per female member of a population during her lifetime
Replacement fertility = the TFR that keeps the size of a population stable
For human replacement fertility is equal to a TFR of 2.1

Increasing urbanization decreases TFR
Children now go to school, and increase costs
With social security, elderly parents need fewer children to support them
Greater education allows women to enter the labor force, with less emphasis on child rearing

Whether a population grows, shrinks, or remains stable depends on:
Rates of birth, death, and migration
Birth and immigration add individuals
Death and emigration remove individuals
Crude birth rate (nativity or natality) = number of births per 1000 individuals
Crude death rate (mortality) = number of deaths per 1000 individuals

Technological advances led to dramatic decline in human death rates widening the gap between crude birth rates and crude death rates and resulting in population expansion
Growth rates in many countries have been declining, even without population control policies
Decline due in part from a steep drop in birth rates

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Filesize: 89.41kB
Height: 801 Width: 875
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=35710
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