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Demographic change and the effect on people social, and economic life

Demographic change and the effect on people social, and economic life
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Description: About 1 billion living on less than $1.25/day
The richest 20% use 90% of the world’s resources
Leaves 10%  of the resources for 80% of the world’s people to share

2014: 35 million infected worldwide, two-thirds live in sub-Saharan Africa
Low rates of contraceptive use spread the disease
Also spreading in Caribbean, Southeast Asia, eastern Europe, central Asia
14 million children have lost one or both parents

Demographic fatigue = governments face overwhelming challenges related to population growth.
With the added of stress of HIV/AIDS; governments are stretched beyond their capabilities
Problems grow worse

Millennium Development Goals = by 2015 achieve goals for sustainable development
Does not include population control
In 2015 set new goals for 2030
Sustainable Development Goals
Earth does not hold enough resources to sustain 7 billion of us at the North American standard of living

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Views: 295
Filesize: 142.9kB
Height: 816 Width: 502
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=35715
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