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Slope Fire

Slope Fire
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Description: For over 100 years, all forest fires were suppressed
But many ecosystems depend on fires
Fire suppression allows woody accumulation, which produces kindling for future fires
Housing development near forests and climate change will increase fire risk

Prescribed (controlled) burns = burning areas of forests under carefully controlled conditions
May get out of control
Impeded by public misunderstanding and political interference

Removal of dead trees following a natural disturbance
Seems logical, but is really destructive
Snags (standing dead trees) provide nesting cavities for countless animals
Removing timber from recently burned areas increases erosion and soil damage
Promotes future fires

Picture Stats:
Views: 254
Filesize: 37.55kB
Height: 461 Width: 603
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=35800
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