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A typical Dam

A typical Dam
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Description: Dam = any obstruction placed in a river or stream to block the flow of water so that water can be stored in a reservoir
To prevent floods, provide drinking water, allow irrigation, and generate electricity
45,000 large dams have been erected in more than 140 nations
Only a few major rivers remain undammed
In remote regions of Canada, Alaska, and Russia

Major Benefits and drawbacks of dams

Power generation
Emission reduction
Crop irrigation
Drinking water
Flood control
New recreational opportunities

Habitat alteration
Fisheries declines
Population displacement
Sediment capture
Disruption of flooding
Risk of failure
Lost recreational opportunities

Picture Stats:
Views: 151
Filesize: 213.22kB
Height: 910 Width: 1179
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=35834
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