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Birth Canal

Birth Canal
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Description: Your baby's movements are still restricted to continue to dominate. For this reason, your baby in the last 3-4 weeks is now ready to enter the birth canal, which will be under pressure. However, although the birth canal does not begin at about 3.6% of all pregnancies, a rectal part of the breech, feet, shoulders, or body may be present on the heel. the decision of the baby and the doctor was caesarean normal vaginal birth can be made in the breech. However, there are some specific risks to it. Your doctor will assess these risks and make the most accurate decision for you and your baby. I would like to peek at the presentation as well as a baby and a normal baby.
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Views: 256
Filesize: 210.05kB
Height: 409 Width: 577
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=36016
Keywords: pregnant,baby,fetus, pregnantbelly,pregnantbump,babybumps,preggolife, fetusdevelopment, babyposition 
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