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A comparison of C4 and CAM plants

A comparison of C4 and CAM plants
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Description: The name C4 plant describes those plants in which the first organic product of carbon fixation is a four-carbon compound. By using this definition, CAM plants are a type of C4 plant because they produce a four-carbon molecule when CO2 is initially taken up. CAM plants, however, do not separate the functions of making a four-carbon molecule and the Calvin cycle into different types of cells. Instead, they make a four-carbon molecule at night and break down that molecule during the day, so that the CO2 can be incorporated via the Calvin cycle.
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Height: 404 Width: 850
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=364
Keywords: A comparison of C4 and CAM plants 
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