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What is Amniotic Fluid?

What is Amniotic Fluid?
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Description: During pregnancy, the fetus develops in a special fluid that helps to keep it protected. The amniotic fluid also aids in the development of the fetus. This lesson covers the make-up and functions of amniotic fluid.

During pregnancy, the fetal baby develops in the uterus. After about 12 days of pregnancy, an amniotic sac forms inside the uterus. The amniotic sac will hold the baby and the amniotic fluid for the remainder of the pregnancy.

Amniotic fluid fills the amniotic sac. At first, the fluid is mainly just water from the mother's body. This may explain why women become so thirsty for the first trimester. About 98% of the amniotic fluid is water, and the remaining 2% is salt and cells from the baby.

After about 4 months, or 20 weeks into the pregnancy, the fetus will develop kidneys. This will allow for the fetus to begin urinating. The fetus will be able to swallow and digest the amniotic fluid. Eventually, the amniotic fluid will become mainly urine from the fetus. Yucky, but it is perfectly okay for the baby. Besides urine, the fluid will also have some nutrients, hormones, and antibodies in it.

Protection and Development
The amniotic fluid has many different functions. Most of the functions fall under one of two categories: protection or development. As the baby floats in the fluid, the baby can move around while at the same time being protected from blows to the uterus.

Amniotic Fluid Functions:

- The fluid allows the baby to move around while it is developing. This movement allows for bone and muscle development.

- The fetus breathes the fluid in and out, allowing it to practice breathing and to aid in lung development.

- The fluid also helps to keep the fetus nice and warm by keeping heat in. It also helps to keep the temperature consistent.

- The fluid offers protection from any blows that may come to the uterus area. It may cushion the blow if the mother falls.

- When the fetus swallows the amniotic fluid, it is practicing using and developing the digestive system.

- It keeps the umbilical cord from being squeezed too hard. A big squeeze could cut off the nutritional supply from the mother to the baby.

- The amniotic fluid also acts as a lubricant. The fetus' growing body parts are very fragile and could grow together, such as in the case of webbed fingers or toes.

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Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=36876
Keywords: pregnant,baby,fetus, pregnantbelly,pregnantbump,babybumps,preggolife, fetusdevelopment, babyposition 
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