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Classical-Conditioning Activity

Classical-Conditioning Activity
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Description: Try out your behavioral skills by conditioning an eye-blink response in a willing friend, using classical-conditioning procedures. You will need a drinking straw and something to make a ringing sound; a spoon tapped on a water glass works well. Tell your friend that you are going to use the straw to blow air in his or her eye, but do not say why. Immediately before each puff of air, make the ringing sound. Repeat this procedure 10 times. Then make the ringing sound but don’t puff. Your friend will probably blink anyway, and may continue to do so for one or two more repetitions of the sound before the response extinguishes. Can you identify the US, UR, CS, and CR in this exercise?

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Height: 310 Width: 463
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=39243
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