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Description: Change is one of the most difficult things for humans to readily accept. Change is necessary for growth. While it may be very comfortable to stay in a place of familiarity, we will never grow into the person we are created to be if we are unwilling to move beyond what is comfortable. Change takes courage and commitment. Courage means trusting yourself to overcome your fears and doing what you are afraid to do. Courage increases conviction and inspires others to confront their fears. Being committed is about being clear on your objectives and being clear on what it will take to achieve them. Consider change like a home renovation project. At first you may not even know where to start, so you identify areas that need to be improved. Once the process starts things can get quite messy as old walls are torn down and new ones built, but the end result is something completely different and much better than what you started with. If you can stay motivated and overlook the messiness while changes are being implemented then you will come out the other side gorgeous and new, a better person for having gone through it all as long as the changes that you make are positive. No matter the challenge, do your best and don’t give up before the end. Find the courage, find the patience, find the energy necessary to get you there. It’s only normal for your effort to be running out just before you finish, but all you need in that moment is an extra effort. When you have crossed that line, you will see that was all very easy, you forget the struggle and you see the world in a new light. You will also see that it was not at all a Finish line, but simply a crossing line into the More You. Picture Stats: Views: 441 Filesize: 86.91kB Height: 534 Width: 531 Source:;sa=view;id=40762 |