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Description: Eicosanoids are locally-acting hormones derived from the 20-carbon fatty acid arachadonic acid. Certain hormones stimulate cell growth and division. Several newly discovered hormones called growth factors are involved in tissue development, growth and repair. TA E1 12 Summary of Selected Growth Factors 6 ROWTH FACTOR Epidermal growth factor (EGF) Platelet—derived growth factor (PDGF) Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) Nerve growth factor (N6 F) Tumor angiogenesis factors (TAFs) '[ransforming growth factors (T GFs) COMMENT Produced in submaxillnry (salivary) glands: stimulates proliferation of epithelial cells, fibroblasts, neurons, and astmcyles; suppresses some cancer cells and secretion of gastric juice by stomach. Produced in blood platelets; stimulates proliferation of neuroglia, smooth muscle fibers, and fibroblasts; appears to have role in wound healing: may contribute to atherosclerosis development. Found in pituitary gland and brain; stimulates proliferation of many cells derived from embryonic mesoderrn (fibroblasts. adrenocortical cells. smooth muscle fibers. chondrocytes, and endorhelial cells); stimulates formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis). Produced in submandibular (salivary) glands and hippocarnpus of brain: stimulates growth of ganglia in embryo; maintains sympathetic nervous system; siimulales hypertrophy and differentiation of neurons. Produced by normal and tumor cells; stimulate growth of new capillaries. organ regeneration. and wound healing, Produced by various cells as separate molecules: TGF-alpha has activities similar to epidermal growth factor: 'l‘GF-beta inhibits proliferation of many cell types. Picture Stats: Views: 530 Filesize: 604.33kB Height: 969 Width: 668 Source:;sa=view;id=40950 |