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Description: The carpal (wrist) bones are 8 small bones connected to each other by ligaments. They are arranged in two rows of four bones each. The proximal row (scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform) articulates with the distal radius and ulna. The distal row (trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hammate) articulates with the metacarpals (hand bones). The five metacarpals (hand bones) make up the palm and back of the hand. They are numbered I through V (or 1–5) starting with the thumb. Their bases articulate with the distal carpals while their heads articulate with the proximal phalanges. The phalanges are the bones of the digits (fingers). There are 14 in all. The thumb contains 2 (proximal and distal) while the other 4 fingers contain 3 each (proximal, middle and distal). Picture Stats: Views: 272 Filesize: 1.04MB Height: 885 Width: 1288 Source:;sa=view;id=41282 |