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Norm Violation

Norm Violation
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Description: Either alone or with a friend, try a mild form of norm violation (nothing alarming, obscene, dangerous, or offensive, of course—one Times Square naked cowboy is plenty, thank you). You might stand backward in line somewhere; sit right next to a stranger in public, even when other seats are available; stand “too close” to a friend in conversation; or give your professor a high five or fist bump as you walk into class. Notice the reactions of onlookers, as well as your own feelings, while you violate this norm. Will you find it easy to do this exercise? Why or why not?

Picture Stats:
Views: 238
Filesize: 436.21kB
Height: 348 Width: 522
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=41909
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