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ACCM Definitions of ICU Levels of Care

ACCM Definitions of ICU Levels of Care
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Description: TABLE 1 2 ACCM ef of ICU Levels ofC

ICU Level Description of Services, Personnel

Level | Hospitals with ICUs that provide comprehensive care for patients with a wide range of disorders. Sophisticated
equipment is available. Units are staffed with specialized nurses and HCPs with critical care training.
3 Comprehensive support services are available and include pharmacy, respiratory therapy, nutritional support,
5 social services, and pastoral care. These units may be located within an academic teaching hospital or may be
community based.

Level II Hospitals with ICUs that have the capability of providing comprehensive care to most critically ill patients but
not to specific patient populations (neurosurgical, cardiothoracic, trauma).

Level III Hospitals with ICUs that have the ability to provide initial stabilization of critically ill patients but are limited in

5 their ability to provide comprehensive care for all patients.These hospitals are able to care for ICU patients
requiring routine care and monitoring.

Data from ACCM (2003).


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