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expiremntal psychology and its terms

expiremntal psychology and its terms
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Description: Experimental psychology and its terms and aproches

varIables. ‘ _ o VarIable' any factor that' IS capable of change. 0 experimental group: the group to which an independent variable Is appiie o . control group. the group treated the same way as the experiment group expects that experimental treatment (the independent variable) Is not. used. c ExperImentatIon' J: _ , 0 Correlation: the measure of a relation between two variables or Js of data} 0 naturalistic observation: 3 research method in which the psychologist observes the subject' In a natural setting without interfering. 0 case study: a research method that involves an intense InvestIgatIon of one or more participants. . . . Survey. a research method' In which Information Is obtained by askIng many individuals a fixed set of questions. ' ' ‘ ‘ can be ravbm about Ifferencesrrduie to ag
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