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Cranial Nerves (Part 1)

Cranial Nerves (Part 1)
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Description: Nerve Nerve Name Nerve Func n CN-l Oifaclory Responsible for the sense oi smell and aciualiy blanches from he cerebrum. CN-ll Opfic Responsible 601 image transmission irorn the retha to his brain, CerlI Oculomolor Conlrols four oi ihe SR oculomolor muscles and ls responsible for most eyeball motion, lris constriction. and the movement of the upper eyelid. As a resull of ils paihway wilhln the skull, the mid cranlai nerve may be compressed, Causlng puplilary dilation and llmiiirlg eye movement. CN»IV Trochiear in conjunch'on wilh me ocuiomotor and abducens rim, lhis nerve results m oonjugame gaze (the eyes looking 'n the same direction and moving logetheri lnnsrvates and receives sensation irom the lacual region and the gums, teeth, and palate. and controls the muscles e1 chewing. CN-V Trigeminal CNVVI Abdueens ‘ Responsible for mine lne eyeball downward.
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