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Development of a frog, animated and pictures

Development of a frog, animated and pictures
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Description: slay Crescem Here we show the first three dlvlslorls ol cleavage, a process that carves up a zygote's cytoplasm. Cleavage ls over when the ln (ms speclesr cleavage results in a blastula‘ a pal of cells wlth a fluldrfllled cavlty olastula forms ectoderm notochord dorsal llp U‘ CaVII lulure gut g y Cavlty The blastula pecornes a threerlayered gastrulaia process called gastrulatlon. At Organs beger to rorrn as a prlmltive gut cavlty the dorsal Ilp (a fold ol ectoderm above the tlrst opernng that appears tn the blastulaJ‘ opens up A neural tupe, then a notochord and other cells mlgrate lnward and start rearranglng themselves organs, form horn the pnrnary tissue layers. Tadpole, a swlmmlng larva wlth segmented lebs grow and the tall ls absorbed durlng Sexually mature foulrlegged adult rnuscles and a notochord extendlng lnlo a tall rnetarnorphosls to the adult lorrn leopard hog The flags body form changes as it grows and lts tlssues speclallze. The embryo becomes a tadpole which metamorphoses lnto an adult.
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Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=47367
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