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Experimental evidence that signals from dorsal lip cells initiate amphibian gastrulation. A dorsal l

Experimental evidence that signals from dorsal lip cells initiate amphibian gastrulation. A dorsal l
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Description: Experimental evidence that signals from dorsal lip cells initiate amphibian gastrulation. A dorsal lip region of a salamander embryo was transplanted to  a different site in another embryo. A second set of body parts started to form.

C The embryo deve‘ops We a “doub\e" \arva, with two heads, two tai‘s, and two bodies Joined at me beHy, } J7 A Dorsal hp excrsed from donor embryo, B Graft rnduces a second grafted to nove‘ site m another embryo. site of Inward mrgrafion.
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Views: 130
Filesize: 87.29kB
Height: 274 Width: 1500
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=47374
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