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Life support system of a developing human

Life support system of a developing human
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Description: 4 weeks 8 weeks Typical position of the embryo and placenta Artist’s depiction of the View inside the uterus, showing a fetus connected by an umbilical cord to the pancakershaped placenta amniotic fluid umbilical cord piacenta fetal blood vesseis inside umbilical cord Chorionic villus, with fetal biood vessels inside it maternal blood in uterine iining The placenta consists of maternai and fetai tissue. Fetal blood flow7 irig in vessels of chorionic Villi exchanges substances by diffusion with maternal blood around the viiii The bioodstreams do not mix
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Views: 139
Filesize: 224.58kB
Height: 1029 Width: 1500
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=47391
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