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Organs of the human male reproductive system, their functions, and locations.

Organs of the human male reproductive system, their functions, and locations.
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Description: Organs of the human male reproductive system, their functions, and locations.

Ejaculatory duct i One of a pair of ducts \ that carry sperm to the penis Seminal vesicle One of a pair of exocrine i glands that contributes I fructoseirich fluid to semen Prostate gland An exocrine gland that contributes some fluid to the semen urinary bladder Urethra Duet with dual functions; channel for ejaculatlon of sperm during ‘\ sexual arousal and for excretion of urine at other times Bulbourethrai gland One of a pair of exocrine glands that secrete mucus Vas deferens One of a pair of ducts that carry sperm to the penis Epididymis One of a pair of ducts in which sperm mature and are stored cylinders urethra Penis Testis of spongy . . . Male organ One of a pair of gonads, packed With small, spemii tissue that swell . . . . of sexual producing tubes (seminiferous tubules) and cells With blood during . intercourse that secrete testosterone and other sex hormones an erectlon
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Height: 1049 Width: 1299
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=47402
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