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Female Reproductive System (Illustrated)

Female Reproductive System (Illustrated)
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Description: Ovary One of two female gonads. Makes eggs and secretes female sex hormones (estrogens and progesterone). Oviduct One of a pair of ducts through which oocytes are propelled from an ovary to the uterus; usual site of fertilization. Uterus Womb. chamber in which an embryo develops. Includes myometrium (smooth mus- cle layer) and endometrlum (epithelial lining). Narrowed lower portion (the cervix) secretes mucus into the vagina. opening Vagina Organ of sexual intercourse: birth canal. of cervix Clitoris Highly sensitive erectile organ. Only the urethra tip is externally visible: Bulk of the organ extends internally on either side of the vagina. Labium minor. One of a pair of inner skin folds (the labia minora). anus vestibular gland Labium major. One of a pair of fatty outer skin folds (the labia majora).
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