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Common Methods of Contraception

Common Methods of Contraception
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Description: ble 41.2 Corn Method Abstinence Rhythm method Withdrawal Vasectomy Tubal ligation Condom Diaphragm, cervical cap Spermicides Intrauterine device Oral contraceptives Hormone patches, implants, or injections Emergency contraception pill Mechanism of Action Avoid intercourse entirely Avoid intercourse when female is fertile End intercourse before male ejaculates Cut or close off male‘s vasa deferentia Cut or close off female‘s oviducts Enclose penis, block sperm entn/ to vagina Cover cervix, block sperm entry to uterus Kill sperm Prevent sperm entry to uterus or prevent implantation Prevent ovulation Prevent ovulation Prevent ovulation Pregnancy Rate" 0% per year 25% per year 27% per year >1 % per year >1 % per year 15% per year 16% per year 29% per year >1 % per year >1 % per year >1 % per year 15—25% per use“ ‘ Percentage of users who get pregnant despite consistent, correct use ‘* Not meant for regular use
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