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Functional Regions of the Human Brain

Functional Regions of the Human Brain
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Description: Forebrain Cerebrum Thalamus Hypothalamus Midbrain Hindbrain Pons Cerebellum Medulia oblongata Localizes, processes sensory inputs; initiates, controls skeletal muscle activity; governs memory, emotions, abstract thought Relays sensory signals to and from cerebral cortex; has a role in memory With pituitary gland, functions in homeostatic control. Adjusts volume, composition, temperature of internal environment; governs behaviors that ensure homeostasis (e.g., thirst, hunger) Relays sensory input to the forebrain Bridges cerebrum and cerebellum; also connects spinal cord with forebrain. With the medulla oblongata, controls rate and depth of respiration Coordinates motor activity for moving limbs and maintaining posture, and for spatial orientation Relays signals between spinal cord and pens; functions in reflexes that affect heart rate, blood vessel diameter, and respiratory rate. Also involved in vomiting, coughing, other reflexive functions
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Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=47730
Keywords: Major components of the brain and their functions.  
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