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Loose Connective Tissue

Loose Connective Tissue
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Description: -— collagen fiber ‘ fibroblast ‘ elastic fiber 7. A Loose connective tissue - Underlies most epithelia - Provides elastic support and serves as a fluid reservoir All, (/6 All \ll fibers B Dense, irregular connective tissue . in deep skin layers, around intestine, and in kidney capsule . Binds parts together, provides support and protection C Dense, regular connective tissue - In tendons connecting muscle to bone and ligaments that attach bone to bone 0 Prowdes stretchable attache ment between body parts glycoprcteinerich matrix with fine collagen fibers cartilage cell (chondrocyte) D Cartilage 0 Internal framework of nose, earsi airways; covers the ends of bones 0 Supports soft tissues. cushions bone ends at joints, provides a Iow»friction surface for jomt movements
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Views: 74
Filesize: 354.2kB
Height: 743 Width: 1500
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=47744
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