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Specialized Connective Tissues

Specialized Connective Tissues
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Cartilage: Rubbery extracellular matrix, supports and cushions bones

Adipose tissue: Fat filled cells, stores energy, cushions and protect organs

Bone: Rigid support, muscle attachment, protection, mineral storage, blood production

Blood is considered a connective tissue because its cells and platelets descend from stem cells in bone

Cartilage: Rubbery extracellular matrix, supports and cushions bones

Adipose tissue: Fat filled cells, stores energy, cushions and protect organs

Bone: Rigid support, muscle attachment, protection, mineral storage, blood production

Blood is considered a connective tissue because its cells and platelets descend from stem cells in bone

> \ nucleus ¢ Q fat cell ,A* (adipocyte) bulging with stored fat E Adipose tissue 0 Underlies skin and occurs around heart and kidneys 0 Serves in energy storage, provrdes insulation, cushe ions and protects some body parts A /.,, .- compact ’ V ‘ b t‘ 1 a, one Issue 3- : .\ 74 ‘ , blood vessel r 1 . 1 , bone cell J (osteocyte) F Bone tissue 0 Makes up the bulk of most vertebrate skeletons 0 Provides rigid support, attachment site tor muscles, protects internal organs, stores minerals, produces blood cells fi Plasma (fluid portion of the blood) G Blood 0 Flows through blood vessels, heart - Distributes essential gases, nutrients to cells: removes wastes from them white blood cell red blood cell platelet
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