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Common Traits of Flowers

Common Traits of Flowers
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Description: Table 29.1 Common Traits of Flowers Pollinated by Specific Animal Vectors Floral Color: Odor: N ectar: Pollen: Shape: Examples: Bats Dull white, green, purple Strong, musty, emitted at night Abundant, hidden Ample Regular, bowl- shaped, closed during the day Banana, agave Bees Bright white, yellow, blue, UV Fresh, mild, pleasant Usually Limited, often sticky, scented Shallow with landing pad; tubular Larkspur, violet Animal Pollination Vector Beetles Dull white or green None to strong Sometimes, not hidden Ample Large, bowl- shaped Magnolia, dogwood Birds Scarlet, orange, red, white None Ample, deeply hidden M odest Large funnel- shaped cups, strong perch Fuschia, hibiscus Butterflies Bright, such as red, purple Faint, fresh Ample, deeply hidden Limited Narrow tube with spur; wide landing pad Phlox Flies Pale, dull, dark brown or purple Putrid Usually absent Modest Shallow, tunnel- shaped or trap- |ike and complex Skunk cabbage, philodendron Moths Pale/dull red, pink, purple, white Strong, sweet, emitted at night Ample, deeply hidden Limited Regular; tube- shaped with no lip Tobacco, lily, some cactuses
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