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Life cycle of Obelia, a hydrazoan that has alternating medusa (left) and polyp generations

Life cycle of Obelia, a hydrazoan that has alternating medusa (left) and polyp generations
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Description: 1) A medusa makes and releases eggs or sperm. Gametes combine and a zygote forms.
2) The zygote develops into a ciliated bilateral larva.
3) The larva settles and develops into a polyp.
4) The polyp grows and reproduces asexually, eventually producing a branching colony.
5) Some branches of the colony are specialized for capturing and eating prey. 6 Other branches produce and release medusae that begin the sexual phase of the life cycle again.
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Views: 335
Filesize: 451.7kB
Height: 902 Width: 1621
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=48162
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