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Timeline of Major Events in Plants

Timeline of Major Events in Plants
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Description: Origrn or first and ptants (bryopnytes) by 475 mya. Ordovucran 488 443 On’gtn of seedtess vascular plants Strunan Bryopnytes and seedless vascutar prams dwersrry, Seed plants arise by 385 myav Devonian 416 Tree-sized tycophytes and horsetaits We tn swamp rorests Frrsl comers anse tale tn Carbomrerous. Carboniferous 359 Grnkgps, cycads appear. Most horse- tarts and Vyoopnytes drsappear by the end of the Permran. Penman 299 251 MrHrons or years ago (mya) Tnasstc Adaptrve radralrons or terns, cycads, contfers: by start or Cretaceous comfers are domrnant trees, 200 Jurassrc Cretaceous Ftowenng ptants appear in the earty Cretaceous‘ undergo adaptwe radiation. and become dominant. Tertiary as
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