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Thiomargarita namibiensis

Thiomargarita namibiensis
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Description: I" 1‘ ,1 . i 4“ $ w v. 0 i 5; v- . ‘Ii 1!“ "I 4‘ ”in? , "o"! 'i i, arc' " to, , .v,9."'oo .Q .03. ‘t‘.’4 -. " 73' a 4* 9 .. 4:” ‘¢‘.‘ 0 I t. ‘4 ' ‘hv gr ‘* - ' !. . n :, mtf-ué'fl t”;- .' '~ . M}: w B Thiomargar/ta namib/ensis, the biggest bacterium known. It lives in sea sediments and takes up and stores sulfates (white dots).
Picture Stats:
Views: 235
Filesize: 492.38kB
Height: 1500 Width: 852
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=48417
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