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Description: Band Shift Assay 0 Control 6 Experimental [—350 bpfi [—350 bpfi I d e n ti ca I awmréxmminmIr»?awwwmsrmirmsmmmwwwe mwmwa», mmwmmwmmwwmwssmtexm wewmmmmmsmarm’mm DNA I No protein added Transcriptional protein to DlNA. added 10 DNA. DNA If promoter consensus sequences are in the DNA fragment, the proteins will bind to them. 0) Migration G) The slower migration indicates a higher molecular weight produced by binding of transcriptional proteins to promoter sequences on DNA.
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Views: 51
Filesize: 287.23kB
Height: 1820 Width: 1310
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=48631
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