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The torpedo model of eukaryotic transcription termination

The torpedo model of eukaryotic transcription termination
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Description: The torpedo model of eukaryotic transcription termination. Eukaryotic transcription leads to torpedo RNase association with mRNA , Enzymatic cleavage near the poly-A-signal sequence releases the mature mRNA. The torpedo RNase attacks the uncapped 5ˊ end of the residual mRNA and digests it , leading RNA polymerase II to dissociate from the DNA and the torpedo RNase The torpedo model of eukaryotic transcription termination. Eukaryotic transcription leads to torpedo RNase association with mRNA , Enzymatic cleavage near the poly-A-signal sequence releases the mature mRNA. The torpedo RNase attacks the uncapped 5ˊ end of the residual mRNA and digests it , leading RNA polymerase II to dissociate from the DNA and the torpedo RNase

Poly-A signal 0 sequence Torpedo RNase Mature mRNA 5' M Uncapped end of residual transcript Torpedo RNase digestion RNA polymerase Ii separation
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Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=48641
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