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The Gene Expression Machine Model for Coupling

The Gene Expression Machine Model for Coupling
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Description: The Gene Expression Machine Model for Coupling Transcription with pre-mRNA ProcessingThe Gene Expression Machine Model for Coupling Transcription with pre-mRNA Processing

0 At the initiation of transcription the carboxyl terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II affiliates with capping (CAP), polyadenylation (pA),and splicing (SF) factors, and torpedo RNase (RNase). 0 RNA pol u initiates transcription alter dissociation of the general transcription factors (GT Fs). Multiple amino acids in the CTD are phosphorylated. The pre-mRNA processing proteins on the CTD begin their work, starting with the CAP proteins carrying out 5' capping. 0 CAP protein dissociates, leaving part of the capping complex behind, including splicing factors (SF). the pre-mRNA continues to elongate. o Spliceosome complexes affiliate with premRNA with the aid ol SF proteins. lntron splicing takes place as RNA pol ll continues elongation of mRNA 9 Polyadenylation proteins identity the pA signal sequence and carry out polyadenylation. Transcrip- tion terminates. Splicing continues to completion. Torpedo RNase digests the residual mRNA. 6 Fully processed mature mRNA dissociates from RNA pol II, is released through nuclear pores, and is transported to cytoplasm for translation. RNA pol II dissociatQm DNA. flaws Cytoplasm
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