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Self-splicing of group I introns

Self-splicing of group I introns
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Description: o Exon—intron base pairing. The G-binding site nucleotide attacks the UpA bond, bonding to the adenine and cleaving exon A. G-binding site\ OH Exon A Exon B 5’ 3’ lntron e The 3’ end of exon A attacks the GPU bond at the intron—exon junction. Exon A 3mm —/“ GAGAGA GA Exon 8 3! lntron 9 The intron is released, and exons ligate. -—OH Linear intron Exon A Exon B Spliced exons
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Views: 66
Filesize: 536.32kB
Height: 2662 Width: 1500
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=48651
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