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The X/A ratio determines gene transcription and transcript splicing pattern

The X/A ratio determines gene transcription and transcript splicing pattern
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Description: The X/A ratio determines gene transcription and transcript splicing pattern to determine sex in fruit fliesThe X/A ratio determines gene transcription and transcript splicing pattern to determine sex in fruit flies

0 X/A ratio determines 9 5x] transcription 6 le protein directs Tra 0 Alternative sz activator—repressor and translation pre-mRNA splicing to produce pre-mRNA ratio. in female but Tra protein in female embryos, splicing is not in male not male embryos. controlled by l,_____,2_,§,,9b.[9m9§9m€§_, embrWS- Intron Intron 9% Tra Wm“- \ SisA SisA A B - Fema'e emb’” SisB + SisB —-> —+ "a 9e“ W Tra We" @v _ . - + 00“ ‘ 1’0) Deadpan+ Deadpan le protein pre mRNA l Tra—2 protein — Female-specific Tra gene — ’8 3 sz activates 2 autosomes mature mRNA female genes and represses male genes. [chhromosome “0 5’" aCt‘V‘ty / ’ Intron Intron . A B . Maleembryo 5'?“ —> N° .—>T’age”e —_—_— N°Trapr°tem Q SISB le protein pre-mRNA X/A = 0.5 ( ) Deadpan + Deadpan Male—specific No roductive . i ‘ l-p- sz protein 3 i sp Icmg : 3 2 autosomes represses l female genes. l
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Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=48655
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