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Gene segregation

Gene segregation
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Description: Homologous chromosomes separate during meiosis, so the pairs of genes they carry separate too. Each of the resulting gametes carries one of the two members of each gene pair. For clarity, only one set of chromosomes is shown.
All gametes made by a parent homozygous for a dominant allele carry that allele.
All gametes made by a parent homozygous for a recessive allele carry that allele.
If these two parents are crossed, the union of any of their gametes at fertilization produces a zygote with both alleles. All offspring of this cross will be heterozygous.
4.  This outcome is easy to see with a Punnett square. Parental gametes are listed in circles on the top and left sides of a grid. Each square is filled with the combination of alleles that would result if the gametes in the corresponding row and column met up.

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Views: 117
Filesize: 235.47kB
Height: 1143 Width: 1027
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=48701
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