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Transfer of endosymbiont genes to the nuclear genome and destinations of encoded protein products

Transfer of endosymbiont genes to the nuclear genome and destinations of encoded protein products
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Description: Transfer of genetic material from Proteins encoded by genes originally organelles to nucleus and between derived from endosymbiont organelles continues in extant species ‘ genomes can be appropriated for other functions in host cell. Cyanobacterium (endosymbiotic ancestor) a-proteobacterium (endosymbiotic ancestor) Few genes retained in i . 7V - } Few genes retained in organelle genome; » “ ! organelle genome; most transferred to - . . most transferred to ancestral host nucleus. - g ’ i ancestral host nucleus. rProteins imported into organelles may be encoded by ‘i genes originally derived from endosymbionts (red and green) or originally derived from host genome (blue). i
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Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=48762
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