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Hypothetical segregation of three pairs of chromosomes in meiosis I

Hypothetical segregation of three pairs of chromosomes in meiosis I
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Description: Hypothetical segregation of three pairs of chromosomes in meiosis I.
Maternal chromosomes are pink; paternal, blue. Which chromosome of each pair gets packaged
into which of the two new nuclei that form at telophase I is random. For simplicity, no crossing
over occurs in this example, so all sister chromatids are identical.
1 The four possible alignments of three pairs of chromosomes in a nucleus at metaphase I.
2 Resulting combina- tions of maternal and paternal chromosomes in the two nuclei that form at telophase I.
3 Resulting combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes in the four nuclei that form at telo- phase II. Eight different combinations are possible.

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Height: 1062 Width: 2166
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=48834
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