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Unbalanced, reciprocal balanced, and Robertsonian chromosome translocations

Unbalanced, reciprocal balanced, and Robertsonian chromosome translocations
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Description: (a) Unbalanced translocation Deletion Translocation Normal chromosome chromosome Chromosome Normal break Unbalanced translocation II III I II III IV Wild typeIV Unbalanced translocation heterozygote (b) Reciprocal balanced translocation Translocation Normal chromosomes Normal Reciprocal balanced translocation Break-m» —’ Break III IV I II III IV IWild type Balanced translocation heterozygote (c) Robertsonian translocation (dwromosome fusion) Fusion Normal chromosome P arm ’ Robensonian Centromere r n I i n 1 t a s ocat 0 \Usually lost a l E a— Normal Normal diploid Robertsonian translocation hate rnflm ntn
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Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=48868
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