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Genetic complementation analysis for rll lysis

Genetic complementation analysis for rll  lysis
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Description: a) Genetic complementation of two lysis-defective phage mutants occurs when the mutants carry mutations of different genes. Genetic complementation is revealed by the formation of many wild-type plaques on K12 () bacteria. (b) No complementation occurs in lysisdefective mutants that carry mutations of the same genea) Genetic complementation of two lysis-defective phage mutants occurs when the mutants carry mutations of different genes. Genetic complementation is revealed by the formation of many wild-type plaques on K12 () bacteria. (b) No complementation occurs in lysisdefective mutants that carry mutations of the same gene

(a) Complementation of mutations in different genes Mutation Mutation rII locus_ x - l l l l Viral A B A B products: defective functional functional defective E. coli K12 (A) lawn I Wild-type T4 plaques During simultaneous infection, complementation occurs because functional forms of both A and 8 proteins are present. (b) No complementation of mutations in the same genes Mutation Mutation rnnocus— x — l i l l Viral A B A B products: defective functional defective functional E. coli K12 (A) lawn No plaques During simultaneous infection, no complementation occurs because no functional A proteins are present. Mutation Mutation rlllocus— x — l i l l Viral A B A B products: functional defective functional defective / E. coli K12 (A) lawn-L— During simultaneous infection, no complementation occurs because no functional B proteins are present. I} No plaques
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Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=49102
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